In Phoenix, AZ, people tend to walk around in a constant state of dehydration. The heat and dry weather, is continuously evaporating water through your skin. The simplest and most obvious way to maintain hydration is to drink more water. Most people are a bit shocked when they discover how much fluid they actually need. The general recommendation of 8 glasses of water per day is for people who live in a temperate climate and are totally sedentary. In Arizona the average person needs close to a gallon of water per day to stay properly hydrated.

Here are some tips on how to stay hydrated in Downtown Phoenix:

  1. Start your day with a glass of water – Mornings are times when we are typically dehydrated. If you get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep, you are also not consuming water during that time so starting your morning with a glass of water is good way to recharge your system. Try this before grabbing your cup of coffee or tea.
  2. Thirst means your dehydrated – If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Drinking water or other drinks throughout the day will help you stay at the proper hydration.
  3. Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go – A short walk in 100 degree heat can dehydrate you quickly. Carry a bottle of water so that sip as you go
  4. If you sweat a lot, replenish your electrolytes – Electrolytes assist with water absorption and proper cellular homeostasis. If you are exercising in the heat you will sweat more and lose more electrolytes. Occasionally drinking something with electrolytes can help replenish what you lose and improve hydration.  Some great natural drinks include, coconut water, milk, and watermelon water. Liquid I.V., and Pedialyte are also good options to avoid too much sugar.
  5. Don’t over hydrate – Believe it our not, drinking too much water (in excess of 2 gallons) without replenishing sodium and electrolytes and can be unhealthy. So if you are still experiencing thirst, but your urine is clear and you have drank more than 2 gallons in the day, you may have some other underlying condition that needs to be addressed by your doctor.
  6. Avoid being outside during the hottest part of day – Phoenix is HOT during the summer and most people from out of town don’t realize they are sweating because it dries as soon as it hits the skin.  The heat increases your dehydration and makes it more difficult to stay hydrated.

So have fun and stay safe.

  • Plan outdoor activities in the morning or after the sun sets
  • Protect your skin with a wide-brimmed hat, and loose-fitting clothing with long sleeves
  • Take regular breaks to hydrate and cool off